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The Annual Conference Planning Committee is hard at work building a conference that reflects the evolving diabetes care and education specialty. You can expect even more engaging sessions, dynamic speakers and new opportunities to explore diabetes prevention, education and technology during ADCES24 Annual Conference—Friday, August 9 – Monday, August 12, 2024 in New Orleans!

Showcase your passion for the diabetes care and education specialty by submitting an education or research poster abstract for ADCES24. This is your chance to share your valuable insights, latest findings and "aha moments" with your colleagues from around the nation.

Getting Started

Our goal is to provide education and research posters that arm attendees with the knowledge and skills to drive the diabetes specialty into the next frontier of healthcare. Research posters seek to present new research and should contain evidence supporting the value of the diabetes care and education specialist. ADCES is also seeking education submissions that highlight the value of the DCES.

Review the detailed descriptions of each track and choose the one that best fits your poster proposal. 

Education Tracks
Submission Site
The submission process is divided into tasks that must be completed before you can submit your proposal. The submission site will allow you to save your work after each task is completed; however, you do not have the ability to save your work mid-task.

We recommend that you review the required information prior to starting your submission to ensure you have everything you need to submit and begin your submission well in advance of the deadline. Users unfamiliar with the submission site and last-minute rushes to submit work are the primary sources of error in the submission process.

Poster Submission Deadlines

Education and Research Posters: Tuesday, June 11, 2024 at 5:00 PM CT
Emerging Science Posters: Thursday, July 18, 2024 at 5:00 PM CT
Emerging Science Poster Application
Start your submission

At this time, ADCES is only accepting Education, Research, and Emerging Science Posters. Check back this fall for ADCES25 session abstract submission information.  

Choose Your Abstract Type 

Determine if your submission should be an Education, Research, or Emerging Science Poster. 

Education Poster 

The ADCES annual conference poster sessions provide a space to communicate diabetes concepts, data collection, policy implementation, practice advancements, and quality improvement projects to an audience using a combination of visuals, text, and audio. An opportunity to connect with all conference attendees is made available to presenters during poster sessions. 

Research Poster 

Research posters seek to present new research to conference attendees. The body of your abstract must include the following sections: background, purpose, research hypothesis and/or research questions, and specific aims, methodology, results, and conclusions. If your research received funding, please specify the source. If it was not funded, kindly indicate that as well. 

Emerging Science Poster 

The Emerging Science Poster collection allows industry partners to engage with an interprofessional audience while providing a platform to showcase their latest research, and novel products and technology. This curated category is reserved for posters that are sponsored or conducted by a commercial entity whose primary business is producing, marketing, selling, re-selling, or distributing healthcare products used by or on patients.

Ineligible Companies (Commercial Entities) 
– Individuals employed by an ineligible company are not permitted to present an Education or Research Poster, unless the topic is unrelated to their products and services, or the content is limited to basic science research, such as pre-clinical research and drug discovery, or the methodologies of research, and care recommendations will not be made.  If the content is related, promotes a specific product/service, and/or includes care recommendations, please complete an Emerging Science Poster Application

Poster Abstract

Poster presentations communicate diabetes concepts and data to an audience using a combination of visuals (graphics, charts, diagrams, etc.) and text. An opportunity to engage ADCES24 attendees in discussion is made available through poster sessions. Posters that meet defined criteria will be selected as Distinguished Posters for brief presentations by authors on a dedicated stage in the ADCES24 exhibit hall and identified by special ribbons in the poster hall.

The Education and Research Committee Chairs will be selecting the Distinguished Posters on the following criteria:
  1. Sustainable: Can be applied or implemented in different diabetes care and education settings by the members of the diabetes care team.
  2. Inclusive: Involves the care team, and DCES at different levels; using different members of the team to demonstrate outcomes of Diabetes Care and Education.
  3. Employs Behavior Modification Techniques: True to the impact of DCES; what DCES bring to the table that others on the extended care team do not.
  4. Addresses Health Equity: Serves the need(s) in underserved and under-resourced populations/communities.

Education Poster Abstract Requirements 

Poster Title – 90 characters or less; ADCES reserves the right to adjust poster titles 

Presenters – All individuals who will be presenting in-person are to be listed:

Description of Poster (max 100 words) – This description is what attendees will see in the online planner and mobile app and will be used for ADCES24 marketing purposes, so it is important to be concise and descriptive.  

Research Poster Abstract Requirements 

Poster Title – 90 characters or less; ADCES reserves the right to adjust poster titles 

Presenters – All individuals who will be presenting in-person are to be listed: 

Background/Purpose (max 65 words) 

Research Hypothesis and/or Research Questions and Specific Aims (max 50 words) 

Methods/Methodology (max 60 words) 

Complete Results (must be reported at time of submission) (max 100 words) 

Conclusions (Impact on Diabetes Care and Education) (max 65 words) 

Session Description – This description is what attendees will see in the online planner and mobile app and will be used for ADCES24 marketing purposes, so it is important to be concise and descriptive. (max 350 words) 

Complete list of authors of the research with names, credentials, and institutional affiliations (a list of authors of the research, not a list of presenters) as well as any sources of funding to conduct the research. If it was not funded, kindly indicate that as well.

Both Education and Research Poster Submitters must indicate acceptance of all policies: